基于Spring Boot的Accesslog存储数量控制源码分析

作者 yellow river 日期 2018-12-10
基于Spring Boot的Accesslog存储数量控制源码分析

在项目中,所有的access log都通过logstash导入到ES中进行存储分析,因此不希望在应用服务器中存储大量的access log占用存储空间。
在Spring Boot的默认配置中并没有可以直接对日志数量进行配置的参数,于是在Github上找到一个开源的spring-boot-starter-purge-accesslog,于是借来使用一下并学习一下实现方式。


在开发基于Spring Boot的应用时,默认使用Logback作日志功能。通过对logback的配置,可以通过配置appender中TimeBasedRollingPolicy#maxHistory来管理各个类型日志存储数量。

<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n%ex{short}</pattern>


spring-boot-autoconfigure ServerProperties#Tomcat#Accesslog

Access Log作为服务器级别的日志,在进入到应用容器之前就已经被记录了。在使用Spring Boot之前,我们通过配置Tomcat conf/server.xml来配置access log的属性。使用Spring Boot后,Spring Boot因为集成了Tomcat,提供了ServerProperties.Tomcat.Accesslog对accesslog进行配置。

      public static class Accesslog {

* Enable access log.
private boolean enabled = false;

* Format pattern for access logs.
private String pattern = "common";

* Directory in which log files are created. Can be relative to the tomcat
* base dir or absolute.
private String directory = "logs";

* Log file name prefix.
protected String prefix = "access_log";

* Log file name suffix.
private String suffix = ".log";

* Enable access log rotation.
private boolean rotate = true;

* Defer inclusion of the date stamp in the file name until rotate time.
private boolean renameOnRotate;

* Date format to place in log file name.
private String fileDateFormat = ".yyyy-MM-dd";

* Set request attributes for IP address, Hostname, protocol and port used for
* the request.
private boolean requestAttributesEnabled;

* Buffer output such that it is only flushed periodically.
private boolean buffered = true;






public class PurgeProperties implements InitializingBean {

* The constant PREFIX.
public static final String PREFIX = "server.accesslog.purge";
* The constant ALLOWED_UNITS.
private static final EnumSet<ChronoUnit> ALLOWED_UNITS = of(SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS,

* The Enabled.
private boolean enabled;
* The Execute on startup.
private boolean executeOnStartup;
* The Execution interval.
private long executionInterval = 24;
* The Max history.
private long maxHistory = 30;
* The Execution interval unit.
private ChronoUnit executionIntervalUnit = HOURS;
* The Max history unit.
private ChronoUnit maxHistoryUnit = DAYS;

* After properties set.
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
isTrue(this.executionInterval > 0, "'executionInterval' must be greater than 0");
isTrue(this.maxHistory > 0, "'maxHistory' must be greater than 0");
"'executionIntervalUnit' must be one of the following units: SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS");
"'maxHistoryUnit' must be one of the following units: SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS");



@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = PREFIX, name = "enabled", havingValue = "true")
public class PurgeAccessLogAutoConfiguration {
* The type Tomcat purge access log configuration.
@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled", havingValue = "true")
public static class TomcatPurgeAccessLogConfiguration {

* Purge access log customizer embedded servlet container customizer.
* @param serverProperties the server properties
* @param purgeProperties the purge properties
* @return the embedded servlet container customizer
public WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory> purgeAccessLogCustomizer(
final ServerProperties serverProperties,
final PurgeProperties purgeProperties) {
return factory -> {
final Accesslog accesslog = serverProperties.getTomcat().getAccesslog();
.filter(valve -> valve instanceof AccessLogValve)
.map(valve -> (AccessLogValve) valve).findFirst()
.ifPresent(valve -> {
final TomcatPurgeAccessLogHolder accessLogHolder = new TomcatPurgeAccessLogHolder(
purgeProperties, Paths.get(accesslog.getDirectory()),
accesslog.getPrefix(), accesslog.getSuffix(), valve);



public abstract class PurgeAccessLogHolder {

* The Purge properties.
private final PurgeProperties purgeProperties;
* The Directory.
private final Path directory;
* The Prefix.
private final String prefix;
* The Suffix.
private final String suffix;
* The Current log file name supplier.
private final Supplier<String> currentLogFileNameSupplier;

* Creates a scheduled thread pool and schedules the purge task according to the
* properties. If executeOnStartup property is false, then the task is scheduled to
* midnight of the next day.
protected void attachPurgeTask() {
long initialDelay = 0;

if (!this.purgeProperties.isExecuteOnStartup()) {
final LocalDateTime now = now();
final LocalDateTime midnight = now.plusDays(1).with(MIDNIGHT);
initialDelay = MILLIS.between(now, midnight);

final PurgeTask purgeTask = new PurgeTask(this.purgeProperties, this.directory,
this.prefix, this.suffix, this.currentLogFileNameSupplier);
final long executionInterval = this.purgeProperties.getExecutionInterval();
final String executionIntervalUnit = this.purgeProperties

ThreadFactory threadFactory = r -> new Thread(r, "access-log-purge-worker");
ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory);



如上,spring-boot-starter-purge-accesslog的做法就是通过配置文件生成一个定时任务,定时清理服务器本地的日志文件,so easy ╮( ̄⊿ ̄”)╭